i bought my kit a couple of years ago
A few years back, I purchased a kit with the hopes of being able to export my haplogroup information (Y-DNA and mtDNA) to FamilyTreeDNA through Nebula Genomics. They had reassured customers like me that this feature would be available shortly for a small fee. Both Nebula Genomics and FamilyTreeDNA had committed to this feature, as well as the ability to export results to Yfull for haplogroup analysis. However, despite ongoing promises, the anticipated information was never delivered as quickly as expected. in the end, it was only possible to export to yfull, and not to the more usefull websitelinkblocked spite of this, they continued advertising (for a year or so) that it soon should be able to export to websitelinkblocked, they just removed this advertising, which before was there every time you logged into nebula genomics.