credits are running faster than in the…
The billing process for my monthly subscription seemed to be moving at lightning speed, almost like the credits rolling in a casino. When I raised my concerns in the Discord chat, I was informed that I had already reached the word limit of 45k words with just 3 articles, and as a result, I was blocked from the chat. so basically i can't communicate with them except by websitelinkblocked deception here is that the company tells you that the words are easily exhausted due to using chatgpt4, but i have been using it for over 8 months and never wrote 4000 words in an article...another point is that you can't see the word usage for any one article, just some aggregation...i have never felt so screwed...
update 1: reading the response of this questionable company that calls their customers individuals and closes their accounts after they have requested a statement of exactly how these words/credits were used, i want to confirm that my money was refunded only because they were told that if they did not send us the statement we would be ordered to return the double websitelinkblocked the credits were purchased for a company with the intention of using this software, we need to be able to report the activity and expense, which you will not find with this organization..i don't want to go into detail but when you call your customers individuals and say you don't like their behaviour just because you asked them to send a statement, for the credits spent and they end up closing your account, something is wrong...
update 2: the amount was refunded, so no need for receipt of the refunded websitelinkblocked mentioned that we used koala services for 8 months, we mentioned chatgpt4, the source that you state to use for content creation...